Soundtraxx DSD-150/DSX Owners Manual Manual do Utilizador

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Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual
Congratulations on the purchase of your SoundTraxx™ Digital Sound Decoder ™(DSD). Properly installed, the DSD
will provide all the pleasures of high quality, digital onboard sound and the benefits of today’s DCC (Digital Command
Control) technology.
With the proper tools, basic modeling skills and common sense, equipping a locomotive with sound is not difficult. It
may, however, be a new experience for you, and you will find that successive installations will go more quickly than
the first. The Digital Sound Decoders have some unique features and capabilities that require some steps not found
in regular decoder installations. We strongly encourage even the most skilled and experienced modeler to read this
manual thoroughly as it contains instructions and information designed to provide optimum, trouble free performance
from your DSD. We urge you to test the decoder first using the simple test procedure in Appendix B to verify that
everything is working as it should. If you do not feel comfortable attempting the installation - don’t! You may prefer to
have your dealer perform the installation while you watch, until you gain some experience.
Please note that while each decoder is tested thoroughly before it is shipped, we cannot control the correctness or
quality of the installation. It is imperative that you follow the directions and do not install the decoder before you have
tested it. Never remove the protective heat shrink from the decoder; there are no adjustments or user serviceable
parts and this will void your warranty. Do not shorten any of the decoder wires until you have verified that it is
functioning properly using the Decoder Test.
This manual is divided into two parts for your convenience. Part I is the Owner's Manual, which covers the features
of the Digital Sound Decoder, it's installation and it's operation. Part II is the Decoder Technical Reference. This is
designed for the advanced user who wishes to have the technical data on the Digital Sound Decoder as a reference
for advanced programming techniques. If this is your first decoder installation, Part I will provide you with all the
information you need to get started.
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Resumo do Conteúdo

Página 1 - ALL ABOARD!

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual1ALL ABOARD!Congratulations on the purchase of your SoundTraxx™ Digital Sound Decoder ™(DSD). Properly instal

Página 2 - Lighting Features

10Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manualmarking the other cut. Be sure that neither line cuts into the speaker coil wire.A Dremel or similar motor

Página 3 - DSD Functional Testing

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual11the speaker outline onto the tender deck and using a jeweler’s saw, cut out a circular opening about 1/16&q


12Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manuallarger, 2.5mm microbulbs, P.N. 810024, a #41 twist drill works well.Test fit the microbulb for adequate hol

Página 5 - SUITABLE

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual13Geared engines require a larger number of chuffs due to multiple cylinders and gearing of thedrive wheels.

Página 6 - Step 2. Plan the Installation

14Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manualto provide flexibility. If the wire is too short, it will rub against the synchronizer disk with excess for

Página 7

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual15SPEAKER AND CAM (3-Pin Connector Pin-outs)10 PURPLE Speaker (-)11 BROWN Cam Input12 PURPLE Speaker (+)Figur

Página 8 - Step 3. Isolate the Motor

16Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualLighting OutputsEach DSD is equipped with four function outputs that are intended to drive headlight, backu

Página 9 - Step 4. Fit the Speaker

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual17up currents from overloading the decoder outputs.If you are using the DSD to drive 1.5V microbulbs, it will

Página 10

18Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualWhat is a CV?CV stands for Configuration Variable which is the industry adopted term for a decoder’s user-p

Página 11 - Step 6. Install the Lamps

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual19After awhile, you will probably want to make some changes such as selecting a new address or changing a sou

Página 12 - (Optional)

2Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualDSD FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONSThe Digital Sound Decoder is designed to be installed onboard a locomotive in

Página 13 - mounting PCB

20Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualWe then look up the value Binary value 00010010b in Appendix C and see that it corresponds to the decimal v

Página 14 - Motor and Power Connections

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual21audio circuitry) and the electrical characteristics of your programming track. In such an event, we suggest

Página 15 - Speaker Connections

22Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualConfiguring the AddressThe first group of CVs you will want to change are those that set the DSD’s address:

Página 16 - Lighting Outputs

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual23Table B.Quick-Reference Table for CV29 ValuesCV 29 Speed Use Speed Address Type LocomotiveValue Steps Table

Página 17 - Step 10. Programming the CVs

24Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manualcalculate the value for CV 2, you can use the formula: Desired Starting Voltage CV 2 =

Página 18

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual25Table C.Speed Table SelectionCV 25 Speed Curve Type2 (0x02) Straight Line3 (0x03) Logarithmic Curve 14 (0x0

Página 19

26Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualTable D.Calculating the User Loadable Speed TableCV # Speed Step % Full Speed CV ValueCV 67 1 0 0 (0x00)CV

Página 20

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual27To mitigate some of this noise, the DSD provides CV 9, Motor PWM Period to control the frequency at which t

Página 21

28Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualFor Rule 17 Operation the headlight is mapped to both FL(fwd and FL(rev) by setting both CV 33 and 34 to 1

Página 22 - Extended Address

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual29Setting the Background Sound EffectsCV 51 is used to select which background sound effects are active as so

Página 23 - Set the Start Voltage

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual3IMPORTANT STEPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATIONIt will be a great temptation to begin connecting wires immedia

Página 24 - Select the Speed Table

30Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualConfiguring for Consist OperationThe DSD supports consist operations and has three related CVs:CV 19, Consi

Página 25 - Speed Table Selection

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual31There are a several throttles on the market that have only five function buttons. The following example des

Página 26

32Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualOPERATING THE SOUNDTRAXX DSDWhew! Now that we’ve installed the DSD and have all the CVs set up, it’s time t

Página 27 - “Rule 17” Headlight Operation

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual33Table F.Whistle SignalsNote: • = Short Blast, - = Long Blast- - • - Approaching Grade Crossing.(Hold final

Página 28 - Setting the Exhaust

34Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualTROUBLESHOOTINGIf you should have any difficulties with the operation of your SoundTraxx Digital Sound Deco

Página 29

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual35SERVICE AND WARRANTY POLICYLIMITED NINETY DAY WARRANTYThe Digital Sound Decoder is warranted by Throttle Up

Página 30 - Function Mapping Example

36Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualFCC STATEMENTThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devic

Página 31

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual37APPENDIX B - DSD FUNCTIONAL TESTAlthough each DSD has been fully tested prior to shipment and is ready for


38Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualIt isn’t necessary to solder any wires together during the test. Simply twisting the wires together will su


Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual39Note: If the sound becomes erratic or cuts out when the whistle or bell sounds are activated, you may need


4Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualINSTALLATION10 Easy Steps to Steam SoundInstalling the DSD generally requires the following steps:1. Select


40Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual7. Turn power to the system OFF. Disconnect the decoder’s white wire from the red lead of the test LED. Now


Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual41DECIMAL HEX BINARY(76543210)0 00 000000001 01 000000012 02 000000103 03 000000114 04 000001005 05 000001016

Página 37 - Red Wire

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual5which contains an assortment of heat shrink tubing suitable for this purpose and P.N. 810036 which provides

Página 38 - Speaker Test

6Digital Sound Decoder Owner's ManualFigure 1 - Stall Current Test SetupStep 2. Plan the InstallationYou should give some thought to where the in

Página 39

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual7oped by the front of the speaker is canceled by an opposite pressure behind the speaker. The enclosure isola

Página 40 - Programming Test

8Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manualand backup light. These outputs may be configured for automatic direction control such that the headlight is

Página 41

Digital Sound Decoder Owner's Manual9STOPFailure to properly isolate the motor will damage your decoder and turn it into an effective, but shortl

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