Soundtraxx DSD-150/DSX Technical Reference Manual do Utilizador

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This section of the manual is designed to provide the advanced user with additional insight into the operation and
capabilities of the SoundTraxx Digital Sound Decoder. By necessity, it is somewhat technical in nature and assumes
a working knowledge of the NMRA DCC Standards and RPs as well as a familiarity with binary and hexadecimal
number systems.
The novice user should not be dissuaded from studying this section as it will help add to his knowledge of DCC
technology and enable him to take greater advantage of its capabilities.
Copies of the NMRA DCC Standards and Recommended Practices may be obtained by contacting:
Technical Department
NMRA Headquarters
4121 Cromwell Road
Chattanooga, TN 37421 USA
Phone: (615) 892-2846
As always, our Technical Support staff will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have regarding the
SoundTraxx DSD.
Applicable Standards
The SoundTraxx DSD has been designed to meet the requirements of the following NMRA Standards and RPs as
defined by September, 1996:
Standard S-9.1 DCC Electrical Standard
Standard S-9.2 DCC Communication Standard
RP-9.1.1 Electrical Interface and Wire Color Code
RP-9.2.1 DCC Extended Packet Format
RP-9.2.2 DCC Configuration Variable
RP-9.2.3 (Tentative) DCC Service Mode
RP-9.2.4 DCC Fail-Safe Operating Characteristics
Bit Timing
The DSD uses a quartz crystal timing reference and will recognize DCC packet bits that fall within the following
timing constraints: “1” Bit, 52µS to 64µS
“0” Bit, 90µS to 12000µS
Packets containing bits that fall outside of this range will be rejected.
Addressing Modes
The DSD recognizes the following address modes and ranges as defined by RP-9.2.1:
Broadcast Address 00
Decoder Addresses 01-127
Consist Addresses 01-127
Extended Addresses 0xC000 - 0xE7FF
Packets contain addresses outside of these ranges will be ignored.
Command Instructions
The DSD will process valid packets containing the following instruction codes as defined by RP-9.2.1:
000 Decoder and Consist Control
All currently defined forms of this instruction are processed except 00000110b, Set Advanced Acknowledg-
ment. This instruction is ignored.
Digital Sound Decoder Technical Reference
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Resumo do Conteúdo

Página 1

ScopeThis section of the manual is designed to provide the advanced user with additional insight into the operation andcapabilities of the SoundTraxx

Página 2

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form10Digital Sound Decoder Technical Reference❐ ❐ CV 8MANUFACTURE

Página 3 - Program Mode Address

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference11❐ ❐❐ CV 9PWM PERIODD

Página 4 - Paged Mode Ops Mode Long Form

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form12Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 11PACKET TIME OUTV


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference13❐ ❐❐ ❐CV 17,18EXTENDE


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form14Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 19CONSIST ADDRESSD

Página 7 - BASELINE

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference15CV 21CONSIST FUNCTION

Página 8

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form16Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 22CONSIST FLFUNCTI

Página 9 - VERSION ID (Read Only)

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference17CV 23CONSISTACCELERAT


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form18Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 24CONSISTBRAKING R

Página 11 - PWM PERIOD

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference19CV 25SPEED TABLESELEC


001 Advanced Operation InstructionsThe DSD will process only the 128 Speed Step Control form (00111111b) of this instruction. All other sub-instructio

Página 13 - EXTENDED

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form20Digital Sound Decoder Technical Referencedown locomotives that


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference21CV 29CONFIGURATIONREG


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form22Digital Sound Decoder Technical Referencehood forward and have


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference23CV 30ERRORINFORMATION


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form24Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 33-42FUNCTION OUTP

Página 18 - BRAKING RATE

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference25CV 33FL(f) OUTPUTLOCA


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form26Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 34FL(r) OUTPUTLOCA

Página 20

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference27CV 35F1 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 21 - REGISTER 1

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form28Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 36F2 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 22

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference29CV 37F3 OUTPUTLOCATIO


Upon completion of a paged mode operation, the DSD will reset the page register to 01.The address query instruction is not supported by the DSD.Miscel


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form30Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 38F4 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 25 - LOCATION

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference31CV 39F5 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 26 - FL(r) OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form32Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 40F6 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 27 - F1 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference33CV 41F7 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 28 - F2 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form34Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 42F8 OUTPUTLOCATIO

Página 29 - F3 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference35CV 49HYPERLIGHTCONFIG

Página 30 - F4 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form36Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 50VOLUME CONTROLDe

Página 31 - F5 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference37CV 51BACKGROUNDSOUNDC

Página 32 - F6 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form38Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 52FOREGROUNDSOUNDC

Página 33 - F7 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference39CV 53SOUNDCONFIGURATI

Página 34 - F8 OUTPUT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form4Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceProgram Mode AddressCV

Página 35 - HYPERLIGHT

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form40Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 54AUTO EXHAUSTSYNC


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference41CV 55EXHAUST TONECONT


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form42Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 56EXHAUST VOLUMECO

Página 38 - FOREGROUND

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference43CV 66FORWARD TRIMDesc

Página 39

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form44Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 67-94LOADABLE SPEE

Página 40 - SYNC RATE

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference45CV 81 (Speed Step 15)

Página 41 - EXHAUST TONE

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form46Digital Sound Decoder Technical Reference❐ ❐❐ CV 95REVERSE TR


Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference47CV 105USER IDENTIFIER

Página 43 - FORWARD TRIM

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form48Digital Sound Decoder Technical Reference❐ ❐❐ CV 106USER IDEN


©1998 Throttle Up! Corp.All Rights Reserved.Revison BCOMPATIBLE WITHTHE NMRA DCC STANDARDSAND RECOMMENDEDPRACTICESDCCTMNew Dimensions in Digital Sound

Página 45

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference5CV 1PRIMARY ADDRESSCON

Página 46 - REVERSE TRIM

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form6Digital Sound Decoder Technical Reference❐ ❐ CV 2VSTARTDescri

Página 47 - USER IDENTIFIER #1

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference7CV 3BASELINEACCELERATI

Página 48 - USER IDENTIFIER #2

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long Form8Digital Sound Decoder Technical ReferenceCV 4BASELINEBRAKING RA

Página 49 - New Dimensions in Di

Address Mode Direct ModeRegister Mode Ops Mode Short FormPaged Mode Ops Mode Long FormDigital Sound Decoder Technical Reference9❐ ❐ CV 7MANUFACTURER

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